
Advancing Innovative East Asian Arts Research Within the Humanities

January 27, 2022 - Sara Patterson

Mark Barnekow (MBA’88) and his wife, Jean Song, are passionate about the arts and Chinese culture and have been deeply inspired by Hou Beiren, the 105-year-old Chinese American artist. They have been so moved by the man and his artistic practice, they recently decided to endow the ‘Hou Beiren Graduate Student Enhancement Fund’ in the Center for the Art of East Asia within the Division of the Humanities.

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SFMOMA announces 2019 finalists for prestigious SECA Award

December 14, 2018 - SF Chronicle - Charles Desmarais

The San Francisco Museum of Modern Art has announced 16 finalists for its closely watched SECA Art Award for 2019. The awards are the region’s most prestigious recognition for emerging artists. The finalists, all of whom work and live in the Bay Area, are Sadie Barnette, Craig Calderwood, Sofia Cordova, Brett Goodroad, Nicki Green, Kunlin He, Porpentine Charity Heartscape, Kenyatta AC Hinkle, Sahar Khoury, Dionne Lee, Marlon Mullen, Ramekon O’Arwisters, Clare Rojas, Davina Semo, Christine Wang and Karla Wozniak.

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October 17, 2018 - Lilly Wei - 艺术中国

此次画展的标题“这一切üˆAll Thisü‰”意指展出画作的复杂性、差异性和独特性。它还包涵了另一层意义üŒé‚£å°±æ˜¯å¡‘造这些作品的背景超越了东西方二元论——这种二元论早已变得过于简单和局限üŒé™¤äº†ç”¨äºŽæœ€å¹¿æ³›çš„分类üŒä¸å†å…·æœ‰å‚考价值。当然üŒä¸­å›½è‰ºæœ¯å®¶ä¸Žå…¨ä¸–界的艺术家甚至人们一样üŒæ‹¥æœ‰è‡ªå·±ç‹¬ä¸€æ— äºŒçš„故事üŒè¿™äº›æ•…事反过来塑造他们的作品。你住在哪里、被谁抚养长大、在何处与什么人一同求学、受到哪些艺术家的影响、读过的书、听过的音乐、看过的电影、获得的资源、你的喜怒哀乐——简言之üŒä½ å¢ƒé‡ã€ç»åŽ†ã€æƒ³è±¡çš„总和üŒä½ åˆ°ç›®å‰ä¸ºæ­¢çš„全部生活üŒéƒ½ä½“现在你的作品当中。

No.2 California Wildfire 2017

Going Outside at NanHai Art: The Solitary Landscapes of He Kunlin and Tong Yi Xin

October 2, 2018 - Christopher Frank Blackmore - Art Practical

Going Outside is at its most compelling when the Chinese philosophical and aesthetic concepts are discreetly embedded within contemporary images and technologies, challenging expectations of witnessing cultural otherness and intimating instead the possibility of a more dynamic realization of digital technology’s putative claims to cultural universalism. In doing so, both artists anticipate a future that seems more likely than most: one in which humanity exists as a variegated crossroads of other histories and ways of being, in discordance and in concert.

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《潇湘 ·æ¸”隐》策展文章

October 1, 2018 - Betti-Sue Hertz - 新浪收藏

近年来üŒä¸­å›½è‰ºæœ¯å®¶å¯¹ä¼ ç»Ÿçš„“文人墨客”以及艺术家学者的概念兴趣倍增。何昆霖üˆKunlin Heü‰å’Œç«¥ä¹‰æ¬£üˆYi Xin Tongü‰è¿™ä¸¤ä½é•¿å±…美国的中国艺术家和国内外许多年轻艺术家一样üŒä¸ºå®‹ã€å…ƒã€æ˜Žæ—¶æœŸæ–‡äººç”»å®¶çš„文化地位与实践所着迷。被视为道德和艺术上的精英群体的文人画家们受过良好教育üŒä»–们追求儒家理想üŒæ”¿åºœå®˜åä¹Ÿä¸ä¾‹å¤–。他们弃用北方宫廷画师的精湛技巧与华丽风格üŒè¿½æ±‚感性与自我表达üŒä¸­å›½è‰ºæœ¯å²ä¸Šè¯¸å¤šå¤‡å—尊崇的作品均有这一特性。山水画作为一个独立的体裁üŒåœ¨ä¸­å›½è‰ºæœ¯ä¸­çš„历史渊源可追溯至唐朝的分裂瓦解。它蕴含着对人类之不完美的隐喻üŒä¹Ÿæ­£æ˜¯è¿™ç§ä¼ ç»Ÿè®©ä¸¤ä½æ—…居国外的艺术家何昆霖和童义欣从隐逸于自然以表达对移居现实不满的行径中找到灵感。他们怀抱着退隐田园的情志üŒåŒæ—¶ä¹Ÿæ¸´æœ›ç½®èº«å½“今连接紧密的全球文化——社交媒体和数字通信等本土媒体形式就不乏有不祥的生态灾难和研究旅行的新闻报道。尽管何昆霖和童义欣不是正式的合作画家üŒä½†ä»–们相通的混合拼贴美学揭示了他们的调查主体性üŒè¿™æ— ç–‘汲取了中国童年记忆的滋养üŒåŒæ—¶åˆå—到了美国熔炉式文化潜移默化的熏陶。

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百歲增二 侯北人山水畫臺灣展

May 22, 2018 - 國立國父紀念館


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May 10, 2018 - Seattle Art Museum

Join us for a lecture by Edward Gui on Contemporary Asian Art from Global Perspectives. Edward Gui is Director of NanHai Art, a San Francisco Bay Area based gallery and art center devoted to presenting and promoting a roster of leading contemporary Chinese artists, including Liu Kuo-sung, Hou Beiren, Qiu Deshu, Wang Tiande, Shen Chen, Arnold Chang, and Michael Cherney (Qiu Mai).

The inaugural session of the Washington State China Relations Council's Chinese Art & Culture Series is co-presented with the Gardner Center for Asian Art and Ideas and Nanhai Art.


Asia Week San Francisco Bay Area Announces Dates For Fourth Edition

April 19, 2018 - Asia Week San Francisco Bay Area

Asia Week San Francisco Bay Area is delighted to announce dates for the fourth edition of the Bay Area’s annual celebration of Asian art. This year’s event will take place from October 5 - October 14, 2018, offering daily programming for the art community and the public to discover new, significant Asian works of art in diverse and noteworthy venues. There will be an impressive line up of participants including museums, galleries, institutions, auction houses and other arts organizations throughout the Bay Area, featuring a weeklong art and culture events representing the full spectrum of Asian cultures, engaging artists, scholars, collectors as well as the general public.

Download Article (PDF)
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March 6, 2018 - 桂高華

張大千先生一生四海為家、交遊廣闊üŒæ‰€åˆ°ä¹‹è™•å¿…結交名流同道üŒç•™ä¸‹è¨±å¤šä½³è©±ã€‚自上世紀60年代中期頻繁造訪加州üŒ1971年購置「環蓽庵」正式移居üŒç›´è‡³1976年搬去台灣üŒ 大千先生與加州結下了一段十餘年的緣分。 本次「邱氏家族珍藏中國書畫」之主人邱永和、吳忠媖夫婦即是60年代初與張大千結識。他們所經營的德洛麗絲旅館üŒ 也成了張大千正式移居加州之前每次造訪卡梅爾的下榻處及與眾多朋友歡聚之所。 這其中üŒ 就有已年過期頤的知名旅美書畫家侯北人先生üˆ1917- ü‰ã€‚侯北人、張大千1956年初識於香港。 å½¼æ™‚張大千由巴西經香港赴巴黎辦展üŒ ä¾¯åŒ—人亦將結束在香港的雜誌出版工作移民美國。初次相識üŒ 侯北人攜帶了一幅張大千的「漁人晚歸圖」。 兩人相談甚歡。 張大千欣然在圖上題跋üš“北人仁兄得予舊作攜以見示üŒæ™‚先生將有北美之行予亦將西遊巴黎也。 丙申三月大千弟張爰。” 書畢意猶未盡üŒåˆä»¥æ¸…湘道人筆法寫墨竹贈侯北人。 自此兩人開始了二十餘年的書畫往來、詩詞唱和。

da ming mountain


March 2, 2018 - University Museum and Art Gallery, HKU

The University Museum and Art Gallery (UMAG) of the University of Hong Kong (HKU) presents From Two Arises Three: The Collaborative Works of Arnold Chang and Michael Cherney from March 2 to May 6, 2018. The unbroken Chinese ink painting tradition has developed continuously over the course of more than a millennium, and this evolution continues into the present day, as evidenced by the current popularity of contemporary ink. While Chinese contemporary art has gained prominence over the past decades, there has been a clear dichotomy between purely contemporary works and those with a stronger connection to tradition. This division now appears to be fading as traditional aesthetics merges with newer forms of media.


Lecture and Private Viewing of The Chew Family Collection of Chinese Paintings and Calligraphy

February 27, 2018 - Sotheby's

On 27 February, Sotheby’s welcomed collectors and curators in the Bay Area to preview the Chew Family Collection at NanHai Art. Surrounded by the masterworks of Chinese paintings, Artist and Sotheby’s Senior Consultant Arnold Chang gave a presentation on The Life and Art of Zhang Daqian with Professor Mark Dean Johnson from the San Francisco State University. The collection has added luster of the family’s lasting friendship with one of the most illustrious modern Chinese artist Zhang Daqian. Highlight includes the Water And Sky Gazing After Rain In Splashed Color, a monumental horizontal scroll that was never published or exhibited to the public before.

Arnold Chang Michael Cherney Perspective


August 5, 2017 - T.s. Flock

NanHai Art’s booth isn’t just beautiful. It actually feels nourishing. The works themselves have that quality, but the compelling ways they are displayed only enhance them. Videos and small bios help lead visitors into the works by revealing the intricate process of creation. Traditional paper making and calligraphy dominate, and this lightness is balanced with water-hewn stones by He Kunlin and scrolls printed with a wooden drop block press, which itself is on display.


Working with Negative Space

September 29, 2016 - neocha

Contemporary Chinese artist Wang Tiande’s paintings engage with the cultural history of ink and its influence on the development of Chinese painting and personal expression. His work is deep and brooding, often rooted in classical landscapes and calligraphy but executed in a way that breathes new life and meaning into the traditional art form. His upcoming exhibition Literati Gatheringwill be showcased at San Francisco Bay’s Asia Art Week. It presents the artist’s “Houshan” series of layered, deconstructed compositional elements, created in his unique style as a response to the paintings and calligraphy of classical Chinese masters. Wang hopes to inspire discussion about the past, the present, and the ability to respect the timelessness of traditional art forms.

daily journal


September 23, 2016 - Susan Cohn, THE DAILY JOURNAL


Born in Shanghai in 1960, artist Wang Tiande graduated from the ChinesePaintings Department of Zhe jiang Academy of Fine Arts (now ChinaAcademy of Art) in 1988 and later obtained his doctorate degree from itsCalligraphy Department. Wang, now a professor of art at Fudan University inShanghai, has created a series of layered, deconstructed compositional elements in response to the paintings and calligraphy of classical Chinese masters. The newest of these works are presented in “Literati Gathering,” open-ing Sept. 30 and on view through Oct.15 at NanHai Art, 510 Broadway No.301 in Millbrae.

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Literati Gathering: New Work by Wang Tiande

September 9, 2016 - GoArting News

GoArting News is informed that Artist Wang Tiande’s Solo Exhibition – Literati Gathering: New Work by Wang Tiande will hold its opening reception at 5:30 pm to 6:30 pm on September 30, 2016 at Nanhai Art Exhibition Hall.

artist Hou Beiren


February 29, 2016 - 艺术中国

恰逢2016年侯北人先生百岁之际üŒæ—§é‡‘山南海艺术中心于2016å¹´2月20日至3月26日举办《百岁北人》个展üŒå±•å‡ºä¾¯åŒ—人近作13å¹…üŒè¿™æ‰¹ä½œå“å¤§å¤šä½œç”»äºŽ2014至2015年间。展览开幕式于2月20日下午2点到4点举行。侯北人夫妇、以及本次展览的策展人旧金山州立大学美术馆馆长 Prof. Mark Dean Johnson亲临现场。


Bonny Zanardi: NanHai celebrates Hou Beiren at 100

February 20, 2016 - San Jose Mercury News

A reception from 2 to 4 p.m. today celebrates the opening of "Hou Beiren at 100" at NanHai Art in Millbrae. The solo exhibition, curated by Mark Dean Johnson, professor of art at San Francisco State University, will continue through March 26.

Hou Beiren A Visit to Temple 2015 Ink on Paper 38 x 86 in

NanHai Art announces "Hou Beiren at 100" featuring new works by the artist

February 17, 2016 - Cafa Art Info

NanHai Art is pleased to present Hou Beiren at 100a solo exhibition featuring new works by master painter Hou Beiren. Now approaching 100 years old, Hou is renowned for his contemporary interpretation of the ‘splash ink and color’ school of painting, which seamlessly integrates both Eastern and Western aesthetics. Hou is regarded as one of China’s most important contemporary artists to transform Chinese painting.

16Wushan Mountain and Yangtze River 狂草写山

Hou Beiren (opening at NanHai later in February)

February 14, 2016 - Chez Namaste Nancy

The images don't do justice to the delicacy of the ink or the texture of paper - they have to be seen in person (if Possible). Images courtesy of NanHai Art.

Hou Beiren, Cloudy Mountains, 2008 NanHai Art


January 20, 2016 - niwdenapolis

100 years old Master Painter Hou Beiren will have a solo exhibition at NanHai Art (Millbrae,CA). Hou is renowned for his contemporary interpretation of the ‘splash ink and color’ school of painting, which seamlessly integrates both Eastern and Western aesthetics. Hou is regarded as one of China’s most important contemporary artists to transform Chinese painting. 

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Hou Beiren at 100: The Art of Hou Beiren to Open at NanHai Art

January 19, 2016 - ArtfixDaily

NanHai Art will present Hou Beiren at 100, a solo exhibition featuring new works by master painter Hou Beiren. Now approaching 100 years old, Hou is renowned for his contemporary interpretation of the ‘splash ink and color’ school of painting, which seamlessly integrates both Eastern and Western aesthetics. Hou is regarded as one of China’s most important contemporary artists to transform Chinese painting. NanHai Art will celebrate the opening of this exhibition on Saturday, February 20th with a reception from 2:00 - 4:00 p.m., at their Millbrae gallery (510 Broadway).  



October 13, 2015 - 艺术中国

作为本次旧金山湾区亚洲艺术周的发起者üŒå—海艺术中心举办了“裂变üšä»‡å¾·æ ‘的艺术”展üŒå±•å‡ºäº†æ¥è‡ªä¸Šæµ·çš„艺术家仇德树先生近作十一幅。展览由加州大学圣地亚哥分校沈揆一教授担任策展人。本次展览也是首届“旧金山湾区亚洲艺术周”的开幕展览。

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The Art of Shanghai-based Artist Qiu Deshu at Nan Hai Art

October 2, 2015 - WUM

On Friday, October 2nd, 2015 at 5PM, the Millbrae,CA-based gallery NanHai will be inaugurating a solo show containing 11 works [2005-2014] by the Shanghai based artist, Qiu Deshu in an exhibition curated by the award-winning, Art History Professor Kuiyi Shen, Ph.D., (Department of Visual Arts and Director of the Program in Chinese Studies, University of California, San Diego).

Qiu Deshu on Artsy

October 2, 2015 - Artsy

Trained in the classical style of Chinese painting, Qiu Deshu fuses tradition with more recent innovations such as synthetic polymer paint...

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Asia Week San Francisco Bay Area on Liebian/Fissure: The Art of Qiu Deshu

October 2, 2015 - Asia Week SFBA

Asia Week San Francisco Bay Area brings together the world's leading Asian art dealers, auction houses, museums, cultural institutions, and the academia, for a week of festivities celebrating Asian art and culture every October...

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September 23, 2015 - 金山在线

作为首届旧金山湾区亚洲艺术周的开幕展üŒå—海艺术中心将于10月2日至11月7日举办《裂变üšä»‡å¾·æ ‘的艺术》展üŒå±•å‡ºå½“代艺术家仇德树先生近作11幅。该次展览由艺术史学者、圣地亚哥加州大学沈揆一教授担任策展人。



June 19, 2015 - 艺术中国

美国加州南海艺术中心于2015å¹´6月6日至7月11日举办 “Mindful Sojourner 羁旅üæŽä½³éªè‰ºæœ¯å±•”üŒå±•å‡ºæ—…美画家李佳骏üˆLeroy Leeü‰è¿‘作11幅。展览开幕式及酒会于6月6日下午2时在南海艺术中心举行。本次展览的策展人、康奈尔大学艺术史学者潘安仪教授和艺术家本人亲临开幕现场üŒå¹¶ä¸ºåˆ°åœºè§‚众导览。



June 3, 2015 - 金山在线

【侨报讯】南海艺术中心将於2015å¹´6月6日至7月11日举办 “Mindful Sojourner ç¾æ—…üæŽä½³éªè‰ºæœ¯å±•”üŒå±•å‡ºæ—…美画家李佳骏üˆLeroy Leeü‰è¿‘作11幅。展览开幕式及酒会定於6月6日下午2时在南海艺术中心举行。届时本次展览的策展人、康奈尔大学艺术史学者潘安仪教授和艺术家本人将亲临开幕现场üŒå¹¶ä¸ºåˆ°åœºè§‚众导览。       

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May 25, 2015 - 中旺新闻


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Video of Artist & Curator Talk: "Cursive Script, Color, and Collage: The Art of Wei Jia"

April 3, 2015 - NanHai Art

Curator of this exhibition Robert C. Morgan lead a discussion with artist Wei Jia, and art consultant Michelle Y. Loh on the artist's unique approach in his work.


Review from Asian Art News

March 30, 2015 - Michelle Y. Loh

The influence of contemporary art practices on Chinese ink traditon and the place of this tradition within the context of a historical paradigm is an on-going subject of discourse. The exhibition enttle Cursive Script, Color, and Collage: The Art of Wei Jia, curated by Robert C. Morgan, offers and insightful and refreshing perspective. 


"韦佳üšæŠ’写 色彩 拼贴"ç¾Žå›½å—海艺术中心举行

March 20, 2015 - 艺术中国

美国南海艺术中心于2015å¹´2月21日至3月28日举办“韦佳üš 抒写 色彩 拼贴”艺术展üŒ 展出韦佳近作14幅。 此次展览是这位成长于北京、生活在纽约的艺术家在美国西岸的首次个展。 展览开幕酒会于2月21日下午2时举行üŒç”±ç‹¬ç«‹è‰ºæœ¯é¡¾é—®Michelle Y. Loh女士主持üŒæœ¬æ¬¡å±•è§ˆçš„特邀策展人Robert C. Morgan 教授与韦佳展开艺术对话。

wei jia

Wei Jia at NanHai Art

February 21, 2015 - Kolaj Magazine

“Cursive Script, Color, and Collage: The Art of Wei Jia” is a solo exhibition of 14 paintings and works on paper, including 5 new mixed-media works being shown for the first time.



December 5, 2014 - 艺术中国

2014å¹´10月12日至11月7æ—¥üŒæ—…美艺术家钟跃英当代水墨亚洲巡展在台湾艺术大学美术馆和韩国首尔京畿大学博物馆先后举行。此次当代水墨亚洲巡展, 是其应国立台湾艺术大学和韩国首尔亰畿大学博物馆的邀请, 把在美国二十几年的水墨创作实践成果, 带回到东方故土的文化之旅。同时, 应台湾艺术大学的邀请, 艺术家钟跃英将为艺术大学硕士和博士班开讲为期三周的当代水墨艺术实践和理论课, 并在韩国京畿大学做题为<<水墨的尊严, 魅力和力量>>专题报告。


李华弌 王天德 郑重宾 陆春涛水墨联展南海艺术中心

November 9, 2014 - 艺术中国

美国旧金山南海艺术中心于2014å¹´10月4日至11月8日举办 “水墨当代” 四人联展üŒå±•å‡ºå½“代水墨画家李华弌、王天德、郑重宾、陆春涛四人新作16幅。展览开幕式及酒会于10月4日下午2时至4时在南海艺术中心举行。本次展览的策展人、著名艺术史学者沉揆一教授和参展艺术家亲临开幕现场üŒå¹¶å°±å½“代水墨议题展开对谈。


水墨当代"”"”李华弌 王天德 郑重宾 陆春涛 四人联展

October 8, 2014 - 雅昌

摘要üš å±•è§ˆæ—¶é—´üš2014å¹´10月4æ—¥-2014å¹´11月8æ—¥ 展览地点üšç¾Žå›½æ—§é‡‘山南海艺术中心 策展人üšæ²ˆæ†ä¸€ 参展人员üšæŽåŽå¼Œã€çŽ‹å¤©å¾·ã€éƒ‘重宾、陆春涛 美国旧金山南海艺术中心于2014å¹´10月4日至11月8日举办“水墨当代”四人联展üŒå±•å‡ºå½“代水墨画家李华弌、王天德、郑重宾、陆春涛…


October 5, 2014 - 中国新闻网



October 3, 2014 - San Jose Mercury News

The group exhibition "Contemporary Ink" opens with an Artists' Talk from 2 to 3 p.m. Saturday, followed by a reception from 3 to 4 p.m. at NanHai Art in Millbrae.

水墨当代 四人联展

September 24, 2014 - World Journal

南海藝術中心於2014å¹´10月4日至11月8日舉辦 “水墨當代” 四人聯展üŒå±•å‡ºç•¶ä»£æ°´å¢¨ç•«å®¶æŽè¯å¼Œã€çŽ‹å¤©å¾·ã€é„­é‡è³“、陸春濤四人新作16幅。展覽開幕式及酒會於10月4日下午2時至4時在南海藝術中心舉行。本次展覽的策展人、著名藝術史學者沈揆一教授和參展藝術家親臨開幕現場üŒä¸¦å°±ç•¶ä»£æ°´å¢¨è­°é¡Œå±•é–‹å°è«‡ã€‚

liu guosong exhibition

San Francisco, CA: Modern Master

August 15, 2014 - China Daily

NanHai Art Center hosted an exhibition of the works of artist Liu Guosong and eight of his students in Millbrae on Aug 9. Liu is considered one of the most important advocates and practitioners of modern Chinese painting.

ç ´ ·ç«‹"”"”刘国松师生展

August 9, 2014 - 艺术中国

美国南海艺术中心于2014å¹´8月9日至9月13日举办 “Rebel as Creator ç ´·ç«‹——刘国松师生展” üŒå±•å‡ºçŽ°ä»£æ°´å¢¨ç”»å¤§å¸ˆåˆ˜å›½æ¾å…ˆç”Ÿå¸ˆç”Ÿè¿‘作共19幅。此次展览是刘国松先生近年来在旧金山湾区的首次展览üŒå¦æœ‰é™ˆå®œèŠ¬ã€æ±Ÿä¸½é¦™ã€è¿žç‘œã€æž—象元、罗志英、吴佩华、许秀兰、张梅香等8位艺术家联袂参展。

現代水墨畫之父 劉國松

August 8, 2014 - 今夜有話要說

KTSF 26台 "今夜有話要說" 主持人鄭家瑜訪問現代水墨畫大師劉國松先生及南海藝術中心總監桂高華先生。


August 8, 2014 - Sinovision

现代水墨大师刘国松旧金山开展 - 美国中文电视驻旧金山记者言洁予访问视屏新闻。

liu kuosong

Liu Kuo-sung brought Chinese art into bold new world

August 6, 2014 - SF Chronicle & SF Gate

What would it take to accelerate innovation in China, just as a once raging tiger economy paces sluggishly? Perhaps the country's educators can learn from the work of artist Liu Kuo-sung, once labeled a political subversive for his pursuit of western modernism and now oft described as the "father of modern Chinese painting." Both traditional Chinese ink painting and the epic landscapes of the Song dynasty as well as abstract expressionism and hard-edged abstraction inform his work, though Liu himself stresses experimentation above all.


July 30, 2014 - China Press

南海艺术中心将于2014 å¹´8 æœˆ9 æ—¥è‡³9 æœˆ13 æ—¥ä¸¾åŠž “Rebel as Creatorç ´ ·ç«‹ ü åˆ˜å›½æ¾å¸ˆç”Ÿå±•” üŒå±•å‡ºçŽ°ä»£æ°´å¢¨ç”»å¤§å¸ˆåˆ˜å›½æ¾å…ˆç”Ÿå¸ˆç”Ÿè¿‘作共19 å¹…。旧金山亚洲艺术博物馆馆长许杰博士、斯坦福大学坎特艺术中心亚洲艺术主任杨晓能博士以及本次展览的策展顾问、著名艺术史学者沈揆一教授等嘉宾将到场祝贺。

NanHai Art Presents: An Evening Talk with Arnold Chang and Michael Cherney

June 14, 2014 - NanHai Art, Millbrae, CA

NanHai Art is pleased to present an evening talk with Arnold Chang and Michael Cherney on July 14th, at 7:00 PM. 

Liu Guosong: Modernizing Traditional Chinese Art

May 23, 2014 - China Daily

Currently a chaired art professor at National Taiwan Normal University, Liu Guosong is universally recognized as one of the earliest and most important advocates and practitioners of modern Chinese painting. His artworks are collected and shown by museums and art galleries in more than 70 countries, and he has been featured in more than 100 solo exhibitions worldwide.


NanHai Art Presents: Rebel as Creator - The Art of Liu Kuo-sung and His Students

May 20, 2014 - Exhibition Statement

As the artist delicately pulls the fibers out of his paper, one by one, the crisp snows of the Himalayas arise vividly from a haze of black and gray ink. From this exposure of what lies underneath the painted surface ground, this removal of ink, emerge with miraculous clarity monumental mountain forms. Liu Kuo-sung’s work both evokes and denies the accomplishments of early masters of landscape painting, who created grand landscapes by painstakingly building up their texture strokes in ink. 


Art China Special Coverage: Sublimity 化境üä¾¯åŒ—人近作展

March 24, 2014 - Art China

This special coverage of Sublimity - Recent Works by Hou Beiren includes art critic Robert Morgan's speech, exhibition painting photos, and opening reception photos and videos.

Video of Sublimity 化境 Opening Reception

March 5, 2014 - NanHai Art

An opening reception was hosted for the artist on February 22nd, 2014.


February 23, 2014 - China News


Sublimity化境üä¾¯åŒ—人近作展 南海艺术中心2月22日开幕

February 14, 2014 - China Press

南海艺术中心将于2014å¹´2月22日至3月29日举办“Sublimity化境üä¾¯åŒ—人近作展”üŒå±•å‡ºå›½ç”»å¤§å¸ˆä¾¯åŒ—人先生近作25å¹…üŒå…¶ä¸­å¤§éƒ¨åˆ†æ˜¯å…¶95 å²ä¹‹åŽçš„新作。作品色彩浓重、恣肆酣畅、不拘一格üŒæ—¢ä¸Žä¸­å›½ä¼ ç»Ÿå±±æ°´æ°”局相通üŒåˆå…·å¤‡å¼ºçƒˆçš„现代元素üŒä»Žæœ¬è´¨ä¸Šå®Œç¾Žèžåˆäº†ä¸­å›½ç¾Žå­¦å’Œè¥¿æ–¹ç¾Žå­¦çš„追求üŒæŒ¥æ´’自如üŒå·²è‡»åŒ–境。

NanHai Art Presents "Sublimity", A Solo Exhibition By Hou Beiren From February 22 to March 29, 2014

January 29, 2014 - Mapanare

NanHai Art present Sublimity, a solo exhibition of recent works by Hou Beiren from February 22 to March 29, 2014. There will be a reception from 2 to 4 p.m. Saturday, February 22. The exhibit featurs 25 paintings created by the 97 year old painter between 2010-13. Beiren uses both Chinese and Western traditions in his work--Chinese brushwork and Western Abstract Expressionism. 

Sublimity 化境 - Recent Works by Hou Beiren

January 20, 2014 - Exhibition Statement

As one of very few living legendary artists of our times, Hou’s most valuable contributions are undoubtedly his audacious experiments and achievements in his successful integration of Western and Chinese painting techniques. Hou has invented a distinctive style of his own within the genre of splash ink and color, which is best demonstrated in his most recent works shown in this current exhibition.


Spend a Saturday Afternoon with Chinese Art

November 7, 2013 - 7X7

NanHai Art is building some buzz around its commercial gallery, set to open in the New Year. 


NanHai Art Celebrates New Gallery Opening with Seminar Series

October 31, 2013 - NBC

NanHai Art is pleased to announce a new seminar series for the month of November featuring prominent scholars on the topic of Chinese Art.


NanHai Art Celebrates New Gallery Opening in 2014 with Seminar Series

October 14, 2013 - NanHai Art, Millbrae, CA

NanHai Art is pleased to announce a new seminar series for the month of November featuring prominent scholars on the topic of Chinese art.